Editorial Policy
Without claiming to be exhaustive, the Centre aims to publish all news items relating to the latest legal developments and to put them in perspective, using a concise and accessible style. Comments do not claim to be of the standard expected of an academic journal. References are confined to the necessary minimum.
The site covers law-related news items in the banking and financial fields (no purely financial information). They are sorted into three geographically based categories : Switzerland ; the European Union (EU law, not the laws of individual member states) ; and Other (supranational authorities, foreign countries inc. EU countries). The areas of law covered are diverse but there must always be a clear and direct link with banking and financial markets and/or their actors. The site covers new developments in regulation, and more selectively, case law.
Up to five paragraphs of ten lines each for each item, max. total 3500 characters.
References are given for documents under discussion (decisions, white papers, etc.), in the form of hyperlinks whenever possible. Other references are kept to a bare minimum, preferably hyperlinks and no more than five per item.
Unpublished decisions
If a decision discussed in any particular article has not yet been published (either in hard copy or on the Web), it will be scanned in (with sensitive passages blacked out if necessary) and posted on the site.
Editorial coordination
Suggestions for subjects, allocation and editorial supervision are managed by Fabianne de Vos Burchart.