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Articles en relation

Revision of the anti-money laundering provisions

Publication of the draft and dispatch by the the Federal Council

On 22 May 2024, the Federal Council published the bill revising the anti-money laundering provisions. The revision comprises two parts. The first follows on from the amendment of FATF Recommendation 24 on the transparency of legal persons in early 2022. It provides for the introduction of a federal register of beneficial owners of companies, by means of a new law on the transparency of legal persons and the identification of beneficial owners (P-LTPM). The second part consists of several amendments[...]

The fight against money laundering

Commentary on the MROS Annual Report 2023

The MROS Annual Report 2023 has been published discreetly. Only certain points are commented on. The statistics include 11,876 communications corresponding to 21,500 business relationships (+56%, a tenfold increase in 10 years), 90.5% of which came from banks, while asset managers, lawyers, notaries and trustees remain largely under-represented. Fraud remains the leading predicate offence (see this analysis). 14.5% of reports concerned crypto-currencies, the importance of which is probably underestimated (see this specific report, commented on in Tharin, No surge[...]

Bank liability and money laundering

Careful proof of prior offence

In its ruling HG210122-O, the Zurich Handelsgericht rejected a company's claim for damages against a former private bank, on the grounds that no prior offence had been proven and that the bank had fulfilled its obligations in terms of combating money laundering. The company alleged that it had been defrauded by one of its suppliers in connection with a sale of fertilisers, as the products ordered never arrived. Part of the funds from this sale was transferred to a third-party[...]

Money laundering using digital assets

Adaptation of the financial industry despite growing use and increasing risks

On 28 February 2024, the Federal Office of Police's Interdepartmental Coordination Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism (Fedpol) presented its second report on the money laundering risks associated with digital assets (i.e. digital assets based on blockchain technology such as Bitcoin or Ethereum). The report is of interest to financial intermediaries active in this area - in particular compliance functions - and proposes various recommendations to improve the fight against money laundering. It also highlights certain[...]

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