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A-34-10 DPO

Data Protection Ordinance

Articles en relation

Right of access

An abuse of rights against the family office

The right of access under the DPA is abused when a person invokes it against a family office to obtain information concerning a trust and the financial situation of his father (ACJC/1610/2023). A very wealthy Italian businessman has a family office in Geneva, which performs various services for his daughter. Payments to her were made from the father's account. The father tells the family office that his daughter has a budget limit of EUR 100,000 per month. The daughter receives[...]

Automated individual decisions

The credit scoring company must inform the persons concerned

Even if the company carrying out the credit scoring is not the company that ultimately decides whether to grant a loan, it takes an automated individual decision and must therefore inform the data subject (CJEU ruling of December 7, 2023 in case C-634/21, SCHUFA Holding AG). Following the refusal of a loan by a bank, a German national requested various items of information from SCHUFA, the leading German company for credit checks. The refusal of the loan was justified on[...]

Credit Suisse

Transparency to await completion of parliamentary inquiry

On November 29, 2023, the Swiss Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) published nine recommendations relating to the acquisition of Credit Suisse by UBS. In essence, the Commissioner draws a distinction between, on the one hand, documents drawn up or communicated after the entry into force of the Necessity Ordinance of March 16, 2023 (Necessity Ordinance), access to which is expressly excluded under the Transparency Act (TransG) and, on the other hand, earlier documents which fall under TransG and[...]

Automatic exchange of information

Federal Court restricts access to administrative courts

To what extent can a person whose data is subject to an automatic exchange of information demand that the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) issue a challengeable act? The Federal Supreme Court addresses this question for the first time in its ruling 2C_946/2021 of June 6, 2023, which is intended for publication. Information relating to a trust and its two settlors (both Argentine residents) was transmitted to the FTA as part of an automatic exchange of information in tax matters. Believing[...]

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