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Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance

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transparency in non-financial matters

Is the legal nature of the AGM vote a false debate ?

This year, the general meetings of public-interest companies meeting the criteria of Art. 964a para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations will be asked to approve their reports on non-financial matters in accordance with Art. 964c para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. In this context, a controversy has arisen over the legal nature of the vote: on the one hand, Novartis and Roche have already organised a consultative vote, while on the other, the Ethos Foundation is[...]

Corporate Governance

Revision of the Swiss Code of Best Practice

A revised version of the Swiss Code of Best Practice (SCBP 2023) has recently been published by economiesuisse. The CSBP is a series of non-binding recommendations, which are primarily aimed at listed companies, but can also serve as a basis for unlisted companies. As in previous editions, the Swiss Bankers Association was involved in drafting the CSBP. As in the case of some of the legal bases newly revised as part of the revision of corporate law, the CSBP as[...]

Reporting on climate matters

The Swiss approach according to the Federal Council Ordinance

On November 23, 2022, the Federal Council (FC) adopted the implementing ordinance on climate reporting by large Swiss companies. From January 1, 2024, reporting on climate issues must be integrated and published as part of the report on non-financial issues referred to in Art. 964a to 964c CO. I. Scope of application The scope of the FC Ordinance is defined by Art. 1 para. 1 of the Ordinance, which refers to Art. 964a of the Swiss Code of Obligations. Large[...]

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