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FINMA Annual Report 2022

Update on cryptoactives and artificial intelligence

FINMA has just published its annual report, which reviews the year 2022 and outlines the priorities for supervision. These include issues and challenges posed by the current geopolitical context and inflation, money laundering supervision, climate risk and anti-money laundering supervision, and digitization of the financial sector. This last point is the subject of this commentary, which discusses FINMA's practice in relation to cryptoassets and takes stock of artificial intelligence (AI) in the financial sector. FINMA notes an expansion in the[...]

Decentralized finance

A long-term risk ?

On November 10, 2022, FINMA published its annual risk monitoring report. This report provides information on the seven risks that FINMA considers significant for the financial industry. These include interest-rate risk, credit risk for mortgages, credit risk for other loans, yield spread risk, risks associated with cyber-attacks, anti-money-laundering and sanctions risk, and risk associated with difficulties in accessing foreign markets. Most of the risks mentioned are directly or indirectly linked to this year's tense geopolitical and economic situation. In its[...]

Artificial intelligence

What is the impact of the proposed directive on banks ?

On September 28, 2022, the European Commission published its proposal for a directive adapting the rules on non-contractual civil liability to the field of artificial intelligence (P-DIA). It includes rules to facilitate access to evidence on high-risk artificial intelligence (AI) systems, so that claimants are able to prove the various requirements of an extra-contractual civil action under their national law. Could this proposal have a major impact on financial institutions employing artificial intelligence systems? The proposal in no way alters[...]

Unfair competition

The promotion of online cryptoasset trading courses

What could Kim Kardashian, Nabilla and the Swiss Federal Supreme Court possibly have in common? Not much, a priori. However, the promotion of online trading courses and cryptoactives concerns all three. The first two have been fined, one for promoting a website offering online trading courses, the other for promoting a cryptoasset. Both failed to inform their subscribers that they were being remunerated for their publication by the companies in question. For its part, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court recently[...]

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