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A-35-10 TAAA

Tax Administrative Assistance Act

Articles en relation

The saga unfolds

Refusal of administrative assistance to Russia

In a judgement 2C_219/2022 of 30 January 2025, intended for publication, the Federal Supreme Court (FSC) rejected a request for administrative assistance in tax matters submitted by Russia. The proceedings before the FSC had been suspended since 2022. Russia had sent a request for assistance to the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) in 2018 in order to identify the economic beneficiaries of dividends paid to Cypriot companies on three bank accounts opened in Switzerland and, if necessary, to reassess the amount[...]

Enforcement of a foreign arbitral decision

An interest rate of 24 % is not contrary to Swiss public policy

In ruling 4A_57/2024, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court held that an arbitration award ordering the debtor of an outstanding loan to pay interest at a rate of 24% was not contrary to Swiss public policy within the meaning of Art. V ch. 2 let. b of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (NYC). Two Chinese companies had entered into a loan agreement for a period of 2 months, with an interest rate of[...]


An unlimited personal guarantee is not contrary to Swiss public policy

In a recent ruling on enforcement, the Federal Supreme Court ruled on the question of whether a personal guarantee for an unlimited amount, subject to foreign law, is compatible with Swiss public policy (ruling 4A_650/2023 of 13 May 2024). On 8 December 2010, A, domiciled in the United Arab Emirates, signed a personal guarantee contract in favour of an Emirati bank by which he guaranteed a loan granted by the bank to a company. The contract - subject to UAE[...]

Mutual assistance in civil matters

Difficulties in opposing the execution of a letter rogatory

The Geneva Court of Justice recently handed down a ruling on international mutual assistance in civil matters (ACJC/483/2024), in which it refused to consider a letter rogatory as abusive and/or likely to undermine Swiss sovereignty or security (art. 12 al. 1 let. b CLaH70). Alice and Bernard are nationals of State F and have refugee status in Switzerland due to judicial and extra-judicial persecution by the authorities of F. In 2012, F requested mutual assistance in criminal matters from Switzerland[...]

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