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Ord. FINMA sur la faillite des assurances

Articles en relation

Enforcement and international sanctions

According to the Obergericht from Zurich, the freezing of assets under the LEmb takes precedence over the LP

In judgment PS240181 of 14 November 2024, the ZurichObergericht ruled that art. 44 of the Swiss Criminal Code applies by analogy to asset freezing measures taken under the Embargo Act and its implementing ordinances, despite the absence of any reference to the Embargo Act in art. 44 of the Swiss Criminal Code. It follows that realisation under the LP is not possible as long as the assets are frozen. On 6 June 2023, a creditor with an enforceable judgment from[...]

Claim in civil enforcement

Form A is not enough

In a recent decision, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court ruled on the question of whether the person identified in form A as the beneficial owner of assets deposited in a bank account can claim ownership of these assets in enforcement proceedings on this basis alone (decision 5A_208/2023 of July 10, 2024). This ruling arose from taxation proceedings against B and C, in which the Geneva Cantonal Tax Administration (AFC-GE) requested - and obtained - the sequestration of three bank accounts[...]

Supervision of insurance companies

Comparis must be classified as an insurance intermediary

The Federal Administrative Court (FAT) has confirmed that AG (Comparis) qualifies as an insurance intermediary within the meaning of Art. 40 para. 1 ISA on the basis of the services it offers and must therefore be entered in FINMA's public register of unrelated intermediaries (ruling B-5886/2023 of 5 July 2024). In September 2023, FINMA decided that Comparis was an insurance intermediary within the meaning of Art. 40 ISA and ordered it to be entered in the register of non-related[...]


An unlimited personal guarantee is not contrary to Swiss public policy

In a recent ruling on enforcement, the Federal Supreme Court ruled on the question of whether a personal guarantee for an unlimited amount, subject to foreign law, is compatible with Swiss public policy (ruling 4A_650/2023 of 13 May 2024). On 8 December 2010, A, domiciled in the United Arab Emirates, signed a personal guarantee contract in favour of an Emirati bank by which he guaranteed a loan granted by the bank to a company. The contract - subject to UAE[...]

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