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A-21-10 FINSO

Financial Services Ordinance

Articles en relation

Cross-border financial services

Jurisdiction of French courts notwithstanding a choice-of-court clause

On September 18, 2024, the First Civil Chamber of the French Court of Cassation handed down ruling no. 23-13.732, which addresses the notion ofactivity directed towards a Member State within the meaning ofart. 17, § 1, c) of the Brussels I bis Regulation (RBI bis), in the context of banking services rendered by a Lebanese bank to a customer resident in France. This decision confirms that customers based in the EU who enjoy “consumer” status may bring their claims before[...]

Retrocessions and execution only

Scope of information for early waiver

In ruling ACJC/1002/2024 of 19 August 2024, the Geneva Court of Justice considers that the question of the obligation to return retrocessions in an execution-only relationship, which is controversial in the legal literature and the subject of divergent cantonal rulings, may remain undecided due to a valid waiver by the client. Since 2008, a customer and a Geneva bank have been bound by a simple bank custody agreement (execution only). The bank amended its general terms and conditions several times[...]


Waiver valid for product category ranges

In its judgments 4A_574/2023 and 4A_576/2023 of 24 May 2024, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court has upheld a ruling by the Zurich Handelsgericht (HG210069-O) specifying the conditions under which a waiver of retrocessions is valid outside asset management. The Handelsgericht had left open the question of whether the relationship between the parties was one of investment advice or a simple account/custody account, since in both cases the bank had to return the retrocessions. In its ruling, the Federal Court did[...]

Rules of conduct under FinSA

FINMA launches consultation on new circular

FINMA has published a draft of a new circular entitled "Rules of Conduct under the Investment Services Financing Act and the Investment Services Financing Ordinance". The aim of the draft is to enhance legal certainty two years after the end of the transitional period following the entry into force of these standards and the first prudential audit cycle on this subject. Overall, it is a relatively modest project. Rather than extending the scope or providing a general commentary, it is[...]

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