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D-01-14 Guidelines on Informing Investors about Structured Products
Status as of 1 Mar 2015 Abrogated act Swiss Bankers Association (SBA), Swiss Structured Products Association Investor disclosures Structured products

Articles en relation

transparency in non-financial matters

Is the legal nature of the AGM vote a false debate ?

This year, the general meetings of public-interest companies meeting the criteria of Art. 964a para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations will be asked to approve their reports on non-financial matters in accordance with Art. 964c para. 1 of the Swiss Code of Obligations. In this context, a controversy has arisen over the legal nature of the vote: on the one hand, Novartis and Roche have already organised a consultative vote, while on the other, the Ethos Foundation is[...]

Advertising and greenwashing

The Swiss Fair Trading Commission publishes its guidelines

On December 19, 2023, the Swiss Commission for Fair Trading (Commission) published a new guideline dated November 22, 2023 on the subject of environmental and/or climate-related advertising. Role of the Commission As a reminder, the Commission is an independent institution whose aim is to ensure the self-regulation of advertising communications. Anyone is entitled to lodge a complaint with the Commission concerning commercial communications which they consider to be unfair within the meaning of the Federal Act against Unfair Competition (UWG).[...]

Investment fraud

Inexperienced investors who put their savings into a start-up or crypto-currency must assume the risks

Investing your savings in a start-up or crypto-currency involves risks. If the investment ultimately proves unsuccessful, can the investor complain of a scam in an attempt to recover his or her stake? In a final decision dated March 21, 2023 (ACPR/206/2023), the Geneva Court of Justice ruled in the negative, rejecting the appeals of some twenty unfortunate investors who felt they had been duped. A group of companies (called "S") is developing a payment system that can be used with[...]

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