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Fraudulent obtaining of "COVID-19" credits

The Federal Supreme Court confirms the classification as a fraud

Since March 2020, more than 100,000 Swiss companies have made use of the bonded loans set up by the Confederation to make up for a lack of liquidity following the COVID-19 pandemic. The Swiss authorities' desire to respond quickly to an exceptional situation and to ensure rapid access to funds led them to introduce a facilitated procedure, based essentially on a self-declaration by the credit applicant, which has unfortunately seen its share of abuses. In a recent ruling to be[...]

Asset seizure by the bank against its clients

(High) requirements relating to the plausibility of the claim

A bank that wishes to obtain a receivership against its clients in order to recover an overdraft resulting from an unsuccessful margin call and a liquidation of positions must make its claim plausible by means of detailed explanations and documents. Failing this, the judge must refuse - or revoke - the receivership (Federal Court ruling 5A_515/2023 of 23 February 2024). The dispute that gave rise to this judgment arose from a lombard loan granted by a Zurich bank to two[...]

Automated individual decisions

The credit scoring company must inform the persons concerned

Even if the company carrying out the credit scoring is not the company that ultimately decides whether to grant a loan, it takes an automated individual decision and must therefore inform the data subject (CJEU ruling of December 7, 2023 in case C-634/21, SCHUFA Holding AG). Following the refusal of a loan by a bank, a German national requested various items of information from SCHUFA, the leading German company for credit checks. The refusal of the loan was justified on[...]

International mutual assistance in criminal matters

Enforcement in Switzerland of a foreign judgment awarding a compensatory claim

In a recent decision intended for publication, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court confirms that a request for mutual assistance for the enforcement of a foreign decision imposing a sanction corresponding in Switzerland to a compensatory debt (art. 71 CP) can only be executed in application of art. 94 ff EIMP (TF, 21.04.2023, 1C_624/2022). In 2011, following requests for mutual assistance from Belgium, the Zurich Public Prosecutor's Office ordered the precautionary seizure of the bank assets of a man named Edouard[...]

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