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Articles en relation

Financial market supervision

Fewer rights in international cooperation ?

Cross-border financial market supervision and effective international cooperation are essential for the stability and integrity of the world's financial markets. To this end, the Federal Council has just launched a consultation on amendments to the Financial Market Supervisory Authority Act (LFINMA), the Audit Supervision Act (ASA) and the Swiss National Bank Act (NBA) to adapt the Swiss legal framework to the current conditions for international cooperation. This commentary focuses exclusively on the proposed amendments to LFINMA. The preliminary draft seeks[...]

Indirect naming and shaming

Federal Court confirms FINMA’s communication

FINMA may publish a press release concerning the closure of enforcement proceedings against a named subject, in particular to show the public that it is not inactive in the face of violations of financial market law (2C_682/2023 intended for publication). FINMA closes enforcement proceedings against a bank that has seriously violated money laundering regulations. A few weeks later, the regulator informs the bank of its intention to publish a press release on the proceedings six days later. The draft press[...]

Internal investigations

The asymmetrical contours of attorney-client privilege

Federal Court decisions 7B_158/2023 and 7B_874/2023 of 6 August 2024 were handed down in the same case, by the2nd Criminal Court, in the context of a sealing procedure. The first, intended for publication, seems convincing to us, unlike the second. For once - and this is important - the criminal proceedings were not opened for money laundering but for breach of the law against unfair competition. In short, the Zurich Public Prosecutor's Office suspects an individual, who is understood to[...]

Supervision of insurance companies

Comparis must be classified as an insurance intermediary

The Federal Administrative Court (FAT) has confirmed that AG (Comparis) qualifies as an insurance intermediary within the meaning of Art. 40 para. 1 ISA on the basis of the services it offers and must therefore be entered in FINMA's public register of unrelated intermediaries (ruling B-5886/2023 of 5 July 2024). In September 2023, FINMA decided that Comparis was an insurance intermediary within the meaning of Art. 40 ISA and ordered it to be entered in the register of non-related[...]

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