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C-42-01 General Terms and Conditions of the Client Advisor Register Kept by ARIF
Status as of 29 Sep 2020 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-01 General Terms and Conditions of the Client Advisor Register Kept by ARIF
Status as of 17 Oct 2020 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-01 General Terms and Conditions of the Client Advisor Register Kept by ARIF
Status as of 26 Jul 2021 Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-02 Document d'information sur la preuve des connaissances
Status as of 15 Nov 2021 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-02 Information Document on Proof of Knowledge
Status as of 14 Sep 2020 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-02 Information Document on Proof of Knowledge
Status as of 31 Jan 2022 Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
C-42-02 Information Document on Proof of Knowledge
Status as of 27 Oct 2020 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-01 Self-regulation Rules of the ARIF
Status as of 25 Nov 2015 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-01 Self-regulation Rules of the ARIF
Status as of 25 Apr 2023 Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 25 Apr 2023 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 28 Jan 2021 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 1B to 13
Status as of 1 Apr 2024 Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 7 Dec 2017 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 25 Jan 2022 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 23 Jan 2020 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers
D-31-02 ARIF Directives 2 to 13
Status as of 31 Mar 2021 Former version Association romande des intermédiaires financiers

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An analysis of the characteristics of churning activities

There is nothing new about the fact that an asset manager who engages in churning is liable to a criminal conviction (disloyal management - art. 158 of the Swiss Criminal Code). In its ruling 6B_1118/2023 of 26 April 2024, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court analysed in detail the evidence that would allow a churning activity to be identified or ruled out, i.e. carrying out a large number of transactions with the sole aim of increasing retrocessions. Between 2003 and 2005,[...]

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FINMA launches consultation on new circular

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Asset management

Approval of investments contrary to the investment strategy

An asset manager who does not comply with the conservative investment strategy agreed with his client is not in breach of his contractual obligations if the client has validly approved the investments (Federal Court ruling 4A_507/2023 of 29 February 2024). In this judgment, the client consults an asset manager to manage part of his assets. Over the years, the client entered into three different management relationships with the service provider. In the third relationship, which gave rise to the dispute,[...]


What kind of reimbursement is due on investments in a fund of funds ?

In its decision 4A_350/2023 of 21 November 2023, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court upheld a partial ruling by the Zurich Handelsgericht (HG190111-O), ordering an asset manager to account to a BVG/LPP pension fund for retrocessions received in connection with investments in target funds via two funds of funds. This commentary focuses on the question of the foundation's right to information regarding the retrocessions received by the fund manager (for a description of the facts and the issue of informed approval[...]

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