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B-01-05 FINMA Communication Policy
Status as of 25 Sep 2014 FINMA FINMA
B-13-03 FINMA Circ. 13/3 Circular 2013/3: Auditing
Status as of 1 Jul 2019 Former version FINMA
B-13-03 FINMA Circ. 13/3 Circular 2013/3: Auditing
Status as of 1 Jan 2021 Former version FINMA
B-13-03 FINMA Circ. 13/3 Circular 2013/3: Auditing
Status as of 1 Jan 2020 Former version FINMA

Articles en relation

Bank failure

What protection is there for a foreign insurance company’s deposits ?

Do accounts opened with a Swiss bank by a foreign insurance institution (in order to deposit the premium paid by each of its policyholders) benefit from the privileged treatment of deposits? In ruling 5A_362/2023 of September 28, 2023, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court answered in the negative. The facts are as follows. A Luxembourg insurance institution offers life insurance contracts. For each policy taken out, the insurance company opens an individual account with a bank to deposit the premium paid[...]

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