The draft UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions : why and how ?

Bénédict Foëx
The draft UNCITRAL Model Law on Secured Transactions : why and how ?
An international conference
19 September 2014, 9:00 – 17:30
Hôtel Métropole, Geneva
A Model Law on secured transactions over movables is currently being drafted under the auspices of UNCITRAL. The aim is to prepare a simple, short and concise text, proposed for adoption (or as a source of inspiration) to countries wishing to adapt their legislation to the current developments.
The conference will start with the presentation and analysis of the Model Law by several of its drafters. It will then give experts from various legal systems the opportunity to comment on the project. The last part will be devoted to other recent developments in the field of secured transactions and their relationship with the Model Law.
Ample time will be reserved for discussions and questions.
The sessions will be chaired by Monique Jametti Greiner, of the Swiss Federal Office for Justice ; George Affaki, Chair of the Legal Committee of the ICC Banking Commission, Bénédict Foëx and Luc Thévenoz, both of University of Geneva.
9:00 Introduction
Prof. Christine Chappuis, Dean of the University of Geneva Faculty of Law
Spyridon V. Bazinas, Senior Legal Officer, UNICITRAL Secretariat ; Lecturer, University of Vienna Law School
9:45 Why do we need a Model Law ?
Michel Deschamps, Partner, McCarthy Tétrault (Montreal) ; Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal
10:30 Coffee break
10:50 What issues should the Model Law address ?
Jean-François Riffard, Professor, Université de Clermont-Ferrand
11:35 Reactions to the current draft of the Model Law
- From a Swiss law point of view : Dr. Hans Kuhn, Counsel, Schelenberg Wittmer (Zurich) ; Lecturer, University of Lucerne
12:20 Standing lunch
13:00 Reactions to the current draft of the Model Law (continued)
- US law : Neil B. Cohen, Professor, Brooklyn Law School
- German law : Leif Boettcher, Notary
- Islamic finance : Michael McMillen, Partner, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP (New York) ; Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Law School
15:45 Coffee break
16:10 Lessons to be taken from other recent developments
- The International Finance Corporation’s secured transactions program : Alejandro Alvarez de la Campa, Global Product Leader, Secured Transactions and Collateral Registries, IFC Advisory Services, World Bank Group
- The recent reform of secured transactions in Belgium : Michèle Grégoire, Professor, Université libre de Bruxelles ; Partner, Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP (Brussels)
17:20 Concluding remarks
Bénédict Foëx, Professor, University of Geneva ; Counsel, Schellenberg Wittmer (Geneva)
17 : 30 Cocktail
Hosted by the Swiss Federal Office for Justice
Registration fee : CHF 150.– Number of participants is limited ; early registration is advised.
For any information, please contact Gervais Muja : , +41 22 379 86 52